Thursday, November 30, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/27/2006 (Consumer Mentality)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Thinking today yet again about how our version of this third degree of civilization has progressed coupled with the brilliance within the idea of commerce/power, then further how that all was amplified with the introduction of technological advance - and I see an aspect that I am unsure as was by design, but is very much accommodated to great extents within it. That being a consumer mentality which is now prominent and has permeated a large percentage of that mechanism itself.

Within those accommodating aspects of that larger mechanism, is also - as has been and still is demonstrated - such forgiveness - that the modern amplified consumer mentality are now without even the most common and basic of insights toward any other decision making beyond that consumer mentality line of thinking.

In so many words, this then puts a semblance of actual control of influence within that dynamic in the hands of those not within it - much less consciously acknowledging it.

i won't immediately say that this is good or bad, as I have pointed out - it is a very versatile mechanism in and of itself - and such, if maintained consistently, could prove a valuable tool in other ways as well - again laughably - in ways those consumers won't ever begin to realize, and even more laughably by their own hand, this actually renders them powerless to the larger choices of others from that outside influence.

Essentially it relegates the dynamic within the consumer populated areas - within that larger mechanism, as entirely reactionary. Even with the easily created illusion of their control through provided (and oft times very limited) choices - which again, are provided from various sources including those foreign (out side) influences.

In one sense, this seems terrifying given the lack of actual decision making within the posturing and provided options, especially if it is that those larger influences care nothing for daily productivity, health and happiness.

It renders even the highest offices of that mechanism (when utilized in such a degree), nothing much more than puppets given to the satisfaction of easily put forward options. Most times options which then fail to be of standards - though are seen and promoted as acceptable because of the illusion itself - though are promoted as even "perfection" and optimum.

11/30/2006 This isn't necessarily in regard to lobby influence and the common understanding of "purse strings" within the effect of government. It is more in the reasoning of that automation I have pointed out - "multiple choice and crib sheets" as opposed to question and answer. "We will just say that something looks good" instead of the various other options.

Another aspect I see of this ploy in the larger sense, is in converting the otherwise properly employed dynamic into a giant suck hole of sorts. This for the purpose of utilizing that blind consumer mentality. Again, to consume while being told that such was their decision.

This consumer mentality isn't a decision making stability - it is want in the moment for many different (and most times easily attained) fulfillment's, and it is nothing like what seems to have been intended with such decision making being placed in the hands of the populous.

It seems that the higher reas of decision making have become similar in that consumer mentality of sale, and bargain. Most likely as simple result of the larger suck hole motion resulting from that consumer mentality. The commercial age could even be used as a term in description.

Again, this isn't necessarily a bad thing given the consistency around it - but it isn't possible to plan beyond (other than from product to product - big sale to big sale)- and further it isn't conducive in such plans when you then consider the various forms of desperation it invokes.

I sit now in a city which is so abundant that it would be entirely impossible to go hungry or unclothed - but, within the large effect of that consumer mentality bent, there is still a substantial amount of desperation which exists.

It would seem that the consumer disposition, through even that modern amplification - has over run the actual idea itself. It is definitely another interesting aspect of our modern version of that third degree of civilization being representative democracy as we know it - and perhaps even just as much as result of that tendency to want of over control as it is from the tendency with/within that consumer mentality alone.

Even within many institutions of higher learning, it has become a consumer atmosphere - people pay a certain amount of money in exchange for an issued status.

This type of disposition seems as though it would be great economic fuel - though, as is obvious - when unchecked and even further, established as a predominant/permeating standard of decision making - it seems to be far less efficient on many levels. The most notably of which being that there is far less actual productivity.

As a further thought - this standard - consumer mentality - of governing from the influence of outside entities entirely, actually would justify the policing of our country as well from those interests. Simply as course of said interests.

I suppose if said influences were as ignorant as most Americans within that consumer mentality - they would have long ago done away with it - but I suspect that they see the profitability at least, in using the existing short sighted ignorance.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/26/2006 (Grave Suspicion Of Heresy)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Something occurred to me today while pondering the use of a term I chose as a chapter title of the fiction I am writing - this in conjunction with the changes societies have made over the years, centuries and how those changes are met, gives me more insight into the motion and dynamic of human existence and development (socially, at least - the deeper within consistencies). That phrase is Grave suspicion of heresy and the realization in deciding to use it, firstly has to do with the change the Catholic church leveled against astronomers of the time which discovered the sun as the center of the galaxy - as opposed to that which the church insisted upon - being the Earth as the center.

While it is that this seems incredibly absurd in our modern time, it stands to illustrate another tendency of human nature which even extends into the realms of science in our modern day.

This also serves to illuminate a dynamic (and consistency) - prolonged and re-occurring even - which continues in societies today.

It has inspired me to convert a musing absurdity I have been toying with for thought, into another short piece of fiction titled OUT ONLY IN - which pertains to Earths surface actually being inside of a spiraling, spherical container of some sort, which in turn contains all else we know of the Universe and space - inside it as well. As if our Earths surface is the inside surface of a contained sphere;

UP, toward the sky - is actually IN toward the center of the container - Universe.

As per the dynamic I am presently observing here - it can be seen time and again, even,as I have stated, within modern science. Very much the same attitude can be seen within both extremes of opposition - church / science.

There are still people that insist Rome should never have fallen, even perhaps that it really hasn't for one reason or another.

There are still people who insist those astronomers were incorrect - this, I suspect in the effort to avoid admitting that the church had been wrong.

I find this interesting because I see such leanings as more pertaining to maintaining a perception that the church and those people affiliated with it were/are correct - instead of exploring and knowing about that which "god" has put forward for us all.

That effort I see as being one of insisting a human interpretation is infallible - in that then, insisting that those persons affiliated with it are not only correct - but perhaps even somehow god like in some way - which in itself is actually the larger violation it would seem, pertaining to heresy.

Further, such positioning was more expected of the sovereign elements in said societies and social structures - but as you can see and as has been proved - both were at least equally guilty of such violations to that which each claimed to be embodiment and representation of - which, from my perspective - in effect is a relationship between humans and that which is, but difficult to comprehend/conceptualize.

Further then in this, are those remnants even today of denying the discoveries made which were beyond those earlier interpretations - which then creates a rather interesting dynamic as society continues - even continuing in and around other similar developing dynamics. this I suggest, actually then lends the illusion of history repeating itself, when really it is only remnants of those bygones again surfacing as resonations - resulting in what can only be described as a staggered motion (though non-linear) - and further as a desperation (source of confusion and desperation) of sorts.

I do not think that allot of it is deliberate as that would simply not stand to reason with the advance of our intellect and understanding, and the potentials of that understanding and growing in such interpretations. As well, from my perspective, this is as result of those perceptions which approach such structures as rigid (imposed limitation) in the understood initial meanings (if that were actually possible verbatim) as they were supposedly perceived at other points in time - without the consideration of progressed understandings. Almost folding back upon itself in some way.

The progress of the Catholic church for instance, is a display of many of these tendencies which I have mentioned. and when I move my studies more toward Theology, I will explore them more in depth - including the mutations I believe the over control and forced tendencies has created. ~

To continue with what I am presently thinking about, a few more examples of this tendency toward re-occurrence (being mostly comprised of illusion in my opinion) is the Nazi ideology and even the Theory of Evolution as Darwin put forward with observations.

In considering that dynamic in regard to Darwin's theory, it is readily evident that such is still regarded as a rigid structure to be accommodated more than used and observed as a form of fact within nature. In other words, it has very much been the tendency to utilize what may have been discovered within/through science SINCE, to hodge podge into the mural and rigid structure of those observations - instead of allowing the insights such observations may have initially uncovered (presented), to continue in their development.

Instead of continuing the task of investigating and observing objectively, as I believe was the initial effort, such directions of science seem to have been shackled in a dynamic of Darwin is(was) correct and conversely Darwin is(was not) correct. Modern discoveries being forced to corroborate his observation within that dynamic, instead of utilized to objectively observe. Being very much a one or the other limitation. As if even the finding of something physically irrefutable as a contradiction to those initial observations (more so how they are perceived and employed in the modern day) - would be and is a form of sorts in the direction of Grave suspicion of heresy. Especially in the scope of how drastically the speed of society has changed. this seems rather odd to say the least.

In my opinion, the actual fault is in insisting such a human element is infallible more than whether it is entirely correct or entirely incorrect.

This opinion I have, I further substantiate with my own position on the idea of perfection (as I have addressed it) and the results in attempts toward attaining such. ~

In regard to those that may think they are carrying on the ideology of Nazi Germany, I see many of the same tendencies and dynamics.

I should point out that in observing the rise and fall of said movement, it becomes all too possible within the consistencies - to see where the actual intention of the movement was in removing the German population entirely. Here it was, a mammoth killing machine that very much could not be stopped. Then as if scripted somehow, the most efficient war machine ever conceived and put into action, made fatal and incompetent mistakes. Then further failed to address and rectify those miscalculations (as would a well tuned machine of that nature), and instead continued head long into near complete destruction of itself. Even to the point of children being used as soldiers.

Further in this is that tendency of humans as years go by - which, given the fact that no one was left (so to speak) to continue such ideologies - resulted in a fractured body of interpretations regarding such social leanings.

When I consider this further - and in regard to those tendencies of people as I have described - I then cannot help the thought - especially in light of those mistakes - that perhaps the entire movement was engineered as such - even further with such fractured changes in mind?

This isn't to condone that movement or that apparent re-occurrence tendency - or and especially the brutality of the time. Only to speculate that perhaps such was a grand social ploy of sorts from the beginnings of the designs.

Something that may further substantiate this, is the subconscious relation with supremacy and hard line segregation, with near entire decimation and destruction of those with such a bent. I consider this and suggest at least a musing on it when observed in context with that re-occurrence tendency - then coupled with that fractured (and further crippling) dynamic within it. This is to say, as a musing, perhaps rigid interpretation and continuance of such was specifically not allowed in the effort to actually produce purposeful fractures and discord within such directions - and further within the use of those human tendencies? Actually utilizing an amplified version of those innate tendencies for that shift in perspective? Humpty Dumpty as it were. Further then considering this as result in amplification on the wave of that immense surge within the electrical shift in our reality. ~

As further speculation, such rise and fall fits as well, within the idea and description of result from that concept/application area I have described - especially if the initial concepts and ideas were stolen (then adding to a more rapid solidification within haste) then applied in such attempts as to fulfill perfection without having the depth of/in understanding perhaps, that was truly intended within the given example concept(s).

11/29/2006 As could be expected, I have given such areas more thought, and in doing so have made realizations that very much seem to support such speculations. If a person considers the haste of someone(something) to bring a new product to market for instance - why wouldn't such tendencies extend to ideologies and social movements? Further, in the examples of haste within such occurrences, there are always short comings due to those tactics of procurement and implementation - which, as addressed seems to tend to hasten that rigidity within concept/application. An out of context usage of "beat them to the punch" so to speak. This of course applying to all such efforts, and not exclusively toward the present example by any means.

Further in considering these tendencies for re-occurrence, it does occur to me that part of such dynamic could very well be in the attempts at continuation of such idea examples, in a rigid form - thusly, through the inconsistencies inherent, and further within the slight changes with progress - the re-occurrence transpires as result of subtle changes in perception. The overt and over stated attempts toward control and rigidity in ideas, actually works against itself in many respects - especially in those areas where progress has obviously moved far and away from even the early mutated attempts to maintain conformity in areas and idea.

Envision if you will, that which we perceive to be time as a large, flexible surface which progresses - then consider those points of rigidity as just that, still clinging to certain areas within that progressing example idea (for instance).

Even in common linear perception, those rigid standards act only as points of drag in actual progress. Always behind the pitch as I have described. Anchor points as it were, regardless of how they mutate.

I have to laugh though it may be a bit mean spirited - many of those (in any given example) desperately wanting control, are essentially imprisoned within their own want of rigidity. They want all still and motionless so as to have control, but cannot bring themselves out of the rigidity in that common concept of time movement for example!

They seek essentially then - to actually stop the progress of their own perception of time - but because of their own rigidity (and want), cannot forsake the very root of their obsession.

How funny!

From that perspective, they actually want to stop their very own directions and even selves - in the interest of achieving those given goals. But attempt such through the effort of controlling all else.

Again - that effort-concept - that concept-application dichotomy.

So much has been hurried in the past 100 years or so - then within that greatly retarded in many ways as result.

I am truly grateful for the perspective I have had through out my life time.

I can't help wonder how far it is that we have actually fallen behind?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/24/2006 (Rock & Roll Stagnation)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


When looking at our modern society with such considerations in mind - it is quite clear that such elements of disobedience in order to stave stagnation are already in play - and further are at a point where it is that they are exhibiting many of the stagnation dynamics (within themselves).

I happen on this observation while contemplating ways in which to benefit from that tendency toward corruptions (the most obvious of which being arts and the like) - then further in considering ways to utilize it as it is manifested around that hypothetical point of focus I have presented as speculation - yet again - being a hypothetical mind toy in regard to social dynamics and these obvious problematic areas.

This isn't to say that I believe all elements of it would become corrupted (in that worst sense) - but as history and society proves - such corruption is eminent to some degree.

Something further I should point out is that corruption is in regard to more than the suggested meaning - factually as history has proved - the idea itself would in some ways be corrupted - changed in motion, as it were - such is an aspect I would hope to efficiently utilize, as well.

When I consider it, such corruption within the use of corruption in that sense, is not only to be expected, but is very much in conjunction with that larger motion - even to some degree with the synthetic emulation and changes produced through that finite, two dimensional method.

This does not mean that I feel such should be dominant - only that it should be rather expected - again, as history and our developments (tendencies) have shown. ~

It is quite a literal thing, that progress - actual progress - happens outside of the established norm.

Such seems to be the nature of progress, itself.

This then means essentially, that to gain actual progress, one must defy the established to some degree. This even beyond (and mostly in ways not usually associated with) the topical understanding of defy. In other words, to progress one must break the law so to speak - but again, this beyond the average understanding of "break the law." This being more in the sense of progressive corruption(s) - but there again is that self stifling aspect I have described - especially pertaining to deliberate efforts to do so.

This perhaps is why some of those established methods I have eluded to, which have themselves begun to flounder (such as Rock & Roll for instance), are now finding themselves rendered less potent in such corruptions(much through that solidification and standardization aspect of concept/realization). One of the less topical corruptions in this example would be the fact that Rock & Roll is now an establishment and body of set standards of itself.

It is one of those absurdities I have mentioned which have been introduced (becoming motivators), which have now become normal - normalized - solidified, as it were.

As well (as in the Superman example) - the concept of Rock & Roll itself, is in much the same way (progressing dynamic as it were). ~

Stagnation is a very real enemy to a healthy society it would seem - regardless of how it is established and/or reached.

On further thought, given the consistent tendency for societies to actually push toward stagnation, perhaps we are only meant to stagnate?

11/28/2006 As I have put forward in explorative speculation before - this pattern would suggest that the possibility of everything imaginable stagnating - solidifying eventually - is presented. Imagine nothing moving at all.

Such is hard to believe though, as a person examines the magnificence produced somehow, from the various forms of progress. ~

To further examine the fact and use of those other tendencies, a person must first realize (at least consider) that the idea would be to produce and maintain a safety within society - as well as combating the stagnation. At the very least maintaining an aspect of consistency conducive to productive living.

In fact, from my perspective, such is an inherent part of a healthy society.

This then poses the problem in contradiction of not removing that other tendency body.

If it is that said tendencies become the standard (if unchecked) and norm - then again (as proven) a form of stagnation occurs.

If those tendencies are removed entirely - as I have stated - again the result is stagnation.

This, again as I have stated, presents the problem of usage in efficiency of those tendencies - if it is that a productive, healthy society is the over all goal - without both damage and stagnation in either extreme form they could manifest within this consistency.

Another direction of thought is in removal of said elements while implementing some other form of maintenance conducive to the health of a given society. That other form then needing to be able to fill the needs of that which is replaced in that sense. But it seems that there will always be both some form of standard and thusly then, some form of violation.

The trick here then, obviously becomes a need for efficient use of the violation (being representative of progress in this instance) - and potential consistencies without becoming too consistent.

It seems, through another of our human tendencies to assert control, that this could then become two extremes, then further - if unchecked - another form of stagnation (which of course raises the apparent need for other forms of stimulation).

This then suggests that a concerted effort would need be made to establish a larger percentage within that body of other - which were of a similar direction and mind set - than the percentage within the body of other who were radically bent with little or no actual direction.

Again, if it were in an effort to create a social engineering mechanism which was efficient in maintaining stability and safety (safety of course being a relative term in this instance) within society, while quelling the tendencies toward stagnation - this would stand to reason.

further, yet again - establishing such from a point and toward the goal of usurpation/dictation will - as historically proven and especially on a grand scale - find stagnation.

I believe, in considering such a hypothetical example in social dynamics, that said focal points would be most efficient and less susceptible to the forms of corruption rendering a crippled effect, and stagnation - if it was that they remained ignorant of any implied importance of themselves and said designs in directions - Thus allowing (save for those expected corruption elements) a self maintaining society.

Again, this is only if the want or direction of a society is in the interest of optimum freedoms, efficiency, safety and maintained vigor - for all involved.

Again, I find great personal pleasures in distracting myself with such useless thoughts as is this toying with the idea of some way to utilize the tendency and dynamic around such a concept!

I immediately believe that whatever I may suggest and even happen upon as thought - if I find any pleasing result at all, will have to tend to be somehow less constrained than the applied effort of containment. It seems as though such a social mechanism would provide for much possibility in addressing the idea of progress, the idea of social health, and of course for potentials of personal achievements in many directions. Whether it be seeking someone to spank your naughty bottom, a commitment to a given ideology, or even just pursuing the feeling of personal empowerment.

This approach seems as though it would further be relevant to addressing those tendencies toward constraint within society, which occur for what ever reasons.

How then to provide a non-constraining means with which to interpret and direct (perhaps), the motion of such an applied social mechanism?

I have personally toyed with a method of musing which combines elements of several different examples (within this proposed configuration) to again produce a whole through considering them and then rendering direction. I have done so mostly in conjunction with art work and some fiction.

Perhaps something of the sort could be in order with such a hypothetical idea? It is entertaining in thought - in a way that is, which occupies my time and mind in a manner I feel pleased with.

Definitely fun.

I am currently utilizing such a musing mechanism in a fiction I am nearly finished with. I have employed it in several ways and layers - and am pleased with the result thus far - especially given the fact that it is my initial (first) work of fiction in such a degree (around 500 pages with little effort in the way of inspiration or "writers block").

The title is; THE ROOM AMUSE. ~

In other directions of thought recently, I find myself posing the question to myself pertaining to previous trains of thought. That question being to the order of considering the total demise of humanity?

Would there then be another creature which developed the power of cognitive thought?

Have I found within myself substantial proofs that such a portal (as is cognitive thought) may be necessary to something else beyond our topical use and recognition of it?

Would it be replaced somehow in the wake of our no longer filling such a possible, speculative role?

Would such a plain of reality (post humanity) simply be without the peak of that which we are (represent) of it, in such a manner as per that connection?

it is banal to think that all else would perish with the passing of the human creature - what then of that relationship?

As musing speculation I ask myself; Would that cognitive capacity then be disbursed evenly in some manner?

Would it further develop at all? Would it continue in the same degree?

My immediate response is that I believe it would in some way.

I am as yet undecided as to in what manner I believe such would transpire.

Perhaps, in considering that which I have observed, which would happen in accord to that larger pattern of motion I have put forward elsewhere. ~

Perhaps, with our consistent focus and cumulative perspective removed, other - more drastic changes and transformations would occur, until again such was settled and again disbursed as per - in those other capacities - in such a manner as to again establish some consistency in perspective.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/23/2006 GO LONG! Social Engeneering Ploy Exploration



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


I happened upon another thought today (funny how that happens when immersed in studies and thought) - a subject I think on now and then as I observe and explore those dynamics I have described as seeing within our modern society. That thought is concerning a point in what seems to be a cyclical motion we, as a society seem again to be repeating.

Although it is in different ways this time around, it seems that we are in an area of motion and consistency that produces things inherently such as slipshod products and things designed for no longevity in use. While such things are always present to some degree, it looks as though they again have presented themselves as a larger part of the market so to speak.

As far as I can tell, this emanates directly from a consumer mentality having found its way into some form of position pertaining to decision making and standards setting, in the larger sense. Even as producers it seems as thought hings are being approached from the consumer mentality. MORE being seen as better, among other notable dispositions.

11/23/2006 as further note, this, on the larger scale can very much be as result of competing interests gaining a larger influence on such designs - more specifically, promoting such loss in standards in the interest of promoting their own efficiency. This being readily evident in the common practice in such directions being prominent in regard to things such as technology and what is known as e-commerce. One of the predominant tactics in such realms being the sabotage of a competitor in ways that make ones own "offering" look all the better. This example being at a larger level.

It has an interesting effect on the larger dynamic, including the extremes of an increase in the poverty level as well as those immediate effects of disposable existence.

When I consider what I see as brilliance of the potentials within the structure(s) we attempt to employ, I personally see more efficiency as well as more equality in other uses and directions of it beyond that progressing topical common use.

As things seem to be going, our society and market is again transforming from a more diverse - diversified use of said structure - to fewer and larger corporate bodies (affiliations). Some even having been bought out or into, from even larger foreign interests - many of which either not immediately interested in any maintenance aspects within this structure, or even the efficiency beyond reaping a profit within it.

11/23/2006 Personally, I see this approach as rather short sighted in regard to the larger potentials within a more conducive use of said designs in regard to this version of representative democracy.

This seems to have removed a considerable amount of the equilibrium which helped to produce a health within that metaphorical eco-cycle within said diversity, and further seems to have helped heighten that stagnation from the impending rigidity I have explored to some degree.

Admittedly, some of this direction is of that human tendency to see ones self as a formidable influence on even the direction on future history itself (through those interpretations and perceptions I have explored in other areas, pertaining to right and wrong for instance - seeing dominance as the key factor in such perceived importance/influence instead of the more powerful position of promoting health in real progressions) - my personal opinion, as I have put forward in several ways, is that even such effort toward those ends, actually puts you farther behind in the very ways (being controlling for instance), you may seek to exercises. Again, in that larger sense pertaining to this example.

This I believe is very relative to that effect I described concerning our capacity and potentials, and then what actually transpires through such focused, concerted effort in and for overt control - regarding the more efficient use of this mechanism.

From history, we know that one large focal point has its benefits in some forms of efficiency - but we also know that such rigid structures have grave consequence's in the same areas of effect.

From the modern approaches to said societal structures, we have found great efficiencies in more diversified points of focus - but as well have experienced great concerns and set backs within said.

When I think about it, if it were possible to gain the better elements of both methods, it would then less the chance of that rigidity and perhaps even that crippling effect of applied concept - more so the tendency to rush such applications for which ever interests. Perhaps even permitting an opportunity in greater efficiency with a more malleable transition from one state of being, to the other.

Even further, if such were applied in several places through out a given society, it seems that it would render the society regulating itself through simple existence.

The thing I am toying with in these directions, is in somehow vesting individuals of a limited number, with a type of decision making influence similar to that which is normally extended to a valued customer. Perhaps something likewise as is for television in establishing the ratings - the Nielsen homes - BUT, these individuals remain ignorant of the focus which is on them and their everyday choices, in order to avoid the troubles so common with power trips.

The biggest problem I could see in this form of social engineering, would be concerns with corruptions in the immediate peripheral sense - but then again, since it is that such a designed dynamic can be conceived of, then it is that such tendencies could be utilized as well in recognizing and then employing the ensuing consistency(ies) of the social aspects around such forms of corruption.

It seems as though such a design could serve as a rather efficient meter within society as well - but does pose the dangers of those corruptions becoming dominant of those points of focus.

Then of course another aspect which would have to be addressed, is the element of social integration. Getting a fair and equal representation from various levels of society concerned.

Another danger I can see possibly, beyond peripheral corruptions is if all (so to speak) were vested in one individual, I think this would eventually create another form of rigidity (being a limitation of sorts) and stagnation even in the more malleable potentials of it, through a too narrow focus and an over standardization.

Such a direction seems like a logical extension from the shift of power from sovereign to commerce.

I can't readily come up with a way that I would implement such a social ploy - as it seems that there would always be the possibility of that peripheral corruption (even thwarting the initial efficiency of implementing such) - especially given the tendency of people within modern society.

Then again, such a tendency is much more of a consistency than is successful application of grand ideologies - so in that then, is a possible direction of use (as stated). That is to say, to actually employ that tendency as well - if not even as a substantial base, in some way. Perhaps maximizing it in simply asserting the presence of such importance as would be seen such a point of focus? There by utilizing the tendency toward those desperate forms of corruption in a manner as to maximize the consistent aspects of said tendencies?

11/27/2006 The ol' play action fake in a much larger, social sense. Purposefully drawing those dominating and corruptive tendencies, into a self perpetuating illusion, so to speak? Thus creating (more consolidating) an area of social consistency - which represents a form of social energy (regardless of the sort, it is still a consistent motion/energy) - which can then be employed as per the consistencies and "standards" within itself. Thus transforming those tendencies toward ill results in that larger social sense, into efficient contributors through the very tendency toward corruptions in many ways. Kind of a condensed application of that larger ideology - applied.

Another aspect of this is in the fact that such a dynamic would then create for and within itself, a level of uncertainty - which again is a rather efficient social tool in that larger sense.

All of it then being very much a provider of the desired result within that larger design of providing for at least the sensation (illusion if you will) of importance - the pursuit of happiness (as it were) - even just involvement that is only as real and fulfilling as those within it, allow themselves to be - being likewise in resulting effect for those nowhere near the apex of the ol' play action fake. Even while the ploy is sustained and substantiated from even its own efforts - and further, illusion, eventually.

A concentrated focus of that established human tendency in action.

It seems though, with brief thought - that too much saturating it (the hypothetical social ploy), in such a manner as is as well a human social tendency, would act to the other extreme in polarizing it beyond efficiency. That is to say - somehow failing to become a social area - community so to speak - and further polarizing beyond its own bounds, might draw the effect of inefficiency onto the ploy itself?

Then again, applied modern technology may act to some degree, in steadying and limiting such polarization in that peripheral sense. In that then, it seems would be the need to keep such peripheral effect more in the topical areas of result and effect - (that area of illusion as it were - which then again, tends to suggest that such would be most efficient within the consumer population and more related to commerce than to larger political interests). Diffused and even random to some degree - thus rendering the larger picture from the seemingly scattered pieces.

But again, this is simply an exploratory/hypothetical line of thought... even though it would seem a better use in that other form of human tendency to attempt the large scale manipulation of people with various tactics. Such seems as though it would keep both aspects of such human tendencies busy, so to speak - even rendering an area in which such fanatical power trip fantasies could be played out as well in somehow relating ones self to the design and implementation of these sort of maniacal plans!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/22/2006 (Comics example - "concept/application")



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


I am enjoying a slight hang over today. I am pleased at this point in my life at having developed, more so established for myself, a certain - generalized - amount of consuming beers/wine or other spirits which produces an enjoyable disposition the following day, as well.

When imbibing, I find I have matured to some degree - in utilizing it with the following day in mind as much as the present experience.


I have been thinking more about the comic book analogy, and find even further comparisons which are quite interesting from my personal perspective. ~

It has been argued in a hypothetical manner, that "we" were "lucky" that "superman" was "discovered" and raised in the United States.

This argument illustrates much for me - firstly being the human tendency to impose limitations upon itself and ideas.

This exemplifies that want of control as well.

Within the idea of Superman, is very much the fact that things Superman represented (represents) and embodies, are of a more advanced form of life. In that, it then would not have mattered where Superman grew up. Those standards which were imbued in him, originate somewhere far beyond our good guy and bad guy ideologies.

Further, this argument represents the human ability to actually conceive of greater ideologies and concepts than ourselves - then simultaneously fail to maximize them in application.

To insist that the very concept as something such as Superman and all of even the Utopia like elements which are conceived of as supposedly from where he originates (being presumably somewhere beyond our current reality) - are because of a given political atmosphere within our reality (The United States, for instance in this example) - is to immediately then place a limitation on the very concept itself - which we somehow admit is far beyond our common understanding.

In that same "stroke," we exhibit a vast and incredible ability to envision and conceive of magnificent things - and then as well immediately limit those very ideas in the very same motion.

Consider all which Superman and where he comes from, represents?

Then consider that within the very same motion - we then contradict it (after having conceived of it, no less) - limit it through assigning it to all of our limited perspectives.

This action then further associates the political atmosphere (the social aspects) of where he grew up, with that atmosphere of the more advanced society we conceived of and represent him to have been from. All the while then exhibiting in a real sense, loads of failures in the motions of our own society(ies). All while trying to associate those failings with the far more advanced idea of where the character originates.

It is really incredible when a person considers it.

Here we are in misery and mired even in some efforts to maintain such misery (for which ever reasons) - but have the ability to conceive of these magnificent ideas and concepts. Somehow failing to embody and apply them ourselves - beyond that grasping attempt of association.

I do find it entertaining in many ways.

We aspire to much and have the ability to conceptualize truly incredible things - but somehow we only manage to limit and stifle them... even relegate them to only existing within works of fiction. Even in the act of associating our compromised efforts with and toward them - everywhere in life it seems.

And there again is more substantiating the lesser success with the greater efforts.

Similar to as I have described my perspective pertaining to attempting perfection.

As a further musing - it is said within the creative idea of Superman that the society he came from could have been considered a perfect society.

Perhaps, as a thought - it was then one of the type of perfection which is purposefully attempted? Thus having rendered within (itself) a given level of success - then the resulting destruction of the society through the rigidity produced of such directions (imposed limitations). ~

I do find our tendency to such capacity and potentials then coupled with immediate limitations - quite interesting. It suggests perhaps even a greater potential within said dynamic - being perhaps a duality of sorts (itself).

Again, even the simple fact that we can conceptualize - our power of cognitive thought - is truly amazing. Even more amazing than our deft ability in avoiding it.

What grand potential we still embody - even through the direction of human foibles!

This, in my humble opinion, of course.


It is tantalizing to think that I am still quite young. What wonderful explorations and realizations still await me?

If only through simple observation of that simplicity - which we are.

I should return to studies soon.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/18/2006 (Comics example - "progress")



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Sitting and drinking far too much coffee today, while looking through the Sunday news, I noticed - more happened upon an entertaining little musing.

One of the stories in the newspaper - the entertainment insert - is pertaining to the comic book hero "Superman" and the history of it as well as briefs pertaining to the most recent incarnations of it.

You may wonder how this could possibly relate to anything I have been exploring - but really "it" (and other "specimen") are entirely relative to much of what I am addressing - though very much from a different perspective. Especially given that the "genre" of such is quite contained of itself in several ways.

It is itself a form of and within the series of "emulations" and "movement," motion" that I have addressed. Even further, it as considered on the whole, depicts and exemplifies that "speed" of amplified "development," and the "non- linear" development aspects I have put forward as opinion.

Consider simply as speculation - assigning each developmental "change" within the "progression" of the fictitious genre, as representation (though magnified and condensed in many ways within this example) of the "resonation" and "pattern" consistency within the larger process of "progress" and "development" I have explored.

Perhaps such consideration will make more clear the idea of "progression" that I have observed in the larger sense - especially substantiating that "non-linear" and "non-related" element and aspect.

Such observation also brings to light the tendencies of that larger process "within" such "revisions."

For instance, the development and introduction of a new character such as "Superman" is a form of actual "progress" through progressive corruptions - "change" as it were - where the revision of said character would be and is only that - but with each "revision" is still the effect in resonation of that larger process being represented within the example - which begot the initial character - only now transpiring in a more limited and contained manner - which itself is still anchored within the culmination of that initial combination and "development."

You can see where such isn't really an "evolution" as much as a "motionless change" in regard to said revisions. Perhaps as the difference between moles and freckles, and altering development of the human physique. The revisions are nothing more than moles and freckles so to speak - where the introduction of an entirely new character based on similar makeup within the genre, is a form of actual change - albeit, change which isn't acknowledged as such being due largely (in my belief) to our tendency in that "linear" focus and attention.

For example and as illustration as well pertaining to "proximity" and influence - at the base idea of "good guy hero," there isn't much difference between "Batman" and "Superman" within that basic concept of "good guy."

It is only with the introduction of various different influences in approaching the concept of good guy - those being "proximity" for instance and different perspectives - we then can establish "good guy" and further then can begin to have different traits appear within that basic concept between the two examples - this being directly as result of that "filtration" for reasons I have addressed.

Further within that process, there is no direct linear relationship, though similarities (and differences) are present within the two examples of "good guy" - "species" - as result of the introduction of other influences.

They both contain the "good guy" element, but in most other ways are in no way related.

Even further, the genre of literature known as comic books itself - definitely serves as example within our existence as the emulation which we exist as - itself then simply being the manifestation of said reverberations through our own existence.

The only thing I would argue contrary about this observation is that within my own belief - within that larger process, there wasn't necessarily a "first issue" comic book species (variation) so to speak.

I feel that such in regard to the manifestation of that emulation in such a manner, is entirely due to the fact that it is "through" our perspective - our processing (again, as emulation) of that larger process.


11/22/2006 In regard to this in fewer words and a different example as metaphor; It could be said that our existence - perception - all told, could be likened to an electronic effects unit processor within the genre of modern music. Though of course differing in the respect that we aren't variables on a selector dial, and in no way as segregated as would be different "effects" to select. The similarity is in regard to the flow of the electronic signal being effected within the use of such a piece of equipment, and of course our relationship with that larger process (which we have systematically moved ourselves farther from through insulation's comprised of various introduced "structure" and imposed limitations).

I am not saying this is right or wrong - only that it is something I observe of a larger consistency within existence.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/16/2006 (MOZART example - "perfection")



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


I find myself in thought again pertaining to the question as to why it is that the direction of modern "technology" seems bent on the "blanketing" of pre-existing "reality" with the emulation which technology is? As if the idea were to somehow overcome it (existing reality).

It seems that within such a radical development as was electricity alone, that the opportunity is there to truly "branch out" as it were. Perhaps within our larger perspective, such isn't considered as a possibility - to actually utilize the potentials in "developing realities" as well as technological "advance."

I must say that I do not mean this ("utilize - developing realities") in the "brain wash" way - more to the point of capitalizing on the extreme level of advance which such was and has the potential to be - to in fact "create" more "area" within that perceived "finite" reality.

It strikes me as odd that within the normal human tendency to meddle and control, that such would not be considered beyond the attempts at "reforming history" for example - I believe it is referred to as "history revisionists" - in the topical propaganda manner.

That seems a waste itself. Simply amplifying the volume of propaganda is still only propaganda. Especially since it is done so within that "blanketing" aspect I have referenced.

Again in the larger sense, I suppose such efforts (being of a confined ideology) are evidence and proofs of the less than acceptable result of human arrogance in comparison with the more natural progress of "developments" a person can see through out history. It definitely exemplifies the lack of efficiency and even the sadly humorous elements of such attempts and posturing - much less the draw and focus on such areas in the place of the other possibilities.

Such in my opinion, is a loss of skill in the art of living and of society.

That aspect, I believe is of that hyper-linear result in the proposed amplification effect I have touched on earlier.

It amounts to parroting essentially and does nowhere near begin to address the actual "stuff of life." but maybe in the larger picture, such is a deliberate and desired result? this being as result of a place where those inclined to such "spasms (as it were)" of ego and control among other things (as well as that amplified tendency), can play them out to their satisfaction while producing very little real effect (comparably) on the larger process itself - this as result of that confinement and hyper-focus as well?

Such seems based on a game of "what you don't know, I can change" which I see as directly related to the resulting dynamic I have cited in regard to the "speedier ascension" and subsequently the "rules au minute."

In many ways I feel such efforts could be described metaphorically, within their tendency to haste, as akin to removing a can from the middle of a stack of them - It also is evident of the topical nature of an overall perspective permeating society (again, becoming more and more narrowed within that amplification) - that is of course, if you ask me.

It seems as though such efforts could be a great source of "energies" in the "social movement (movement OF society)" aspect at least.

Real "development" and social changes usually happen over some considerable amount of time ,historically that is, in my humble opinion.

this gives me a humorous insight though, as I consider it - again, there is a huge contradiction within such efforts. firstly I see the problematic area of insisting that there are absolute truths (in the fervent literal sense that much seems to be interpreted as within the "virtual" realm - unless of course it needs to be different in the given moment) - then secondly is the task of contradicting those established points in order to introduce the "hasty" changes desired.

What this suggests to me is that truly there are no "absolutes" in that sense, only the greater "opinion" - which as most all know, isn't the case for various reasons.

Only in regard to that which is of and from "human" could such justifications hold true.

this then extends as well, to the idea of "perfection," meaning that even established "perfection" is really nothing more than flimsy opinion - changeable at any given time.

topically, that understanding makes sense - that is, if a person approaches the idea of "perfection" from the direction that humans created it ( a product of "ego" in the classic sense) and can only compare that which is said to be "perfect" in that interpretation - in comparison with and in the light of other things of human origin.

From my personal opinion, the concept of "perfection" was derived in a human effort to embody and convey one of those "things" we can hardly conceive of - and, as I have addressed elsewhere - cannot attain beyond the "opinion," topical interpretation of it through purposeful effort to do so.

This common "topical" understanding of such a concept - again illustrates that direction of confinement in a "conceptualization" sense - which I have described earlier here-in as well as in different pieces. In fact - within my own opinion - if it is that humanity is ever to actually "progress" - that "chain" of perception which continues to confine itself with each revolution, must be rectified - at least augmented in some way. this of course could be in relation within that larger motion and meaning, to those "extraordinary occurrences" many great minds have referenced and noticed coinciding with every great "advance" of the human species.

For instance, the ever shrinking area of perceived "perfection" resulting perhaps from the topical mis-understanding of the concept itself, then coupled with the effects I have described - then within the area of "one thing of human origin being compared to another" and thus being "perfect" - needs to be addressed in a way (within my opinion) that is not of the same haste such form of "understanding" is within our modern atmosphere.

11/21/2006 As a note here, this is very much related to that which I have addressed concerning a given "cusp" of perception within our capacity that I see as potential (and even direction) within humanity - where we now still reside within the need for imposed limitations in the effort of "understanding" - i.e. the use of a "tree" for instance to represent the idea of "all" within existence. Metaphorically it is admitted no less than a poetic ideology - but in regard to this current subject matter (and especially the modern tendencies toward confinement as per) it represents an imposed limitation - the likes of which we continue to cling to so to speak and further have amplified within said dynamics.

As further example; if a "given" is then perceived as "perfect" in that more common interpretation, then it is that such "given" is all that perfection can be.

If the example "item" is the limit of perfection, what then could possibly be beyond it?

In that topical confined and linear understanding of such a concept - "perfection" then negates itself. In fact it could be argued that such stands even as evidence of and within itself, that such does not even exist. This result being reached through the actual application of the idea in that sense and context.

But again, such is only in considering such a concept in relation to that which is of "human origin," and further in regard to that aspect of imposed limitation - and NOT in relation or regard to the concept itself.

11/21/2006 As another supplemental note here - taken from my personal journal in regard to this line of thought while musing one evening, I began to consider another aspect of "perfection" and the modern application of our "advance." I did so while listening to Mozart in a digital format, which then lead me to consider a chain connection of sorts.

It is very much touted that Mozart had achieved the respect of "perfection" within his compositions.

This I do not argue, and such is in no way the point here.

What is the point here, is in considering such from and WITHIN a human understanding - being that perfection is of humanity. Then it is that a person must consider what was once the expected progression of and within such an example of achievements.

It was very much taken into account as he was producing it, that there would be human interaction in the line of progress his work would take into the "future." In considering that, then a person must also accommodate the idea that such human interaction was very much a consideration for, of and within those works.

This is to say, that within the idea of "perfection" before the advent of modern technology, there was an element of human tendencies taken into account within such regard. Meaning that from his perspective, after his demise, the only way to preserve that level of achievement was through the human interaction which entailed rehearsal and having taught by a master - FROM THAT MASTER - who had probably studied from yet another master.

Regardless of their respective "mastery," it is only human tendency that some influence would seep into such works from generation to generation. Within that then, the example of change (however slight) in that progression.

This again, I believe was to be considered very much a part of that "perfect accomplishment."

Then along comes modern technology and promises to preserve things of the sort in a level of perfection which had never happened before.

Immediately this seems to be the truth... until you consider that the version which was first "preserved" in such a state (being recorded), was not MOZART'S version, but that of several generations in progression of MOZART (as intended to that point).

There then it stayed. With that advent, it actually lost an element of the intended (and presumably conceived) perfection - being that progression from Master to student throughout the existence of humanity.

Most assuredly there is still a level of that element within the world of Mozart, but the point here, is that it now is not of that progression which was preserving the intended effect of the work in total. It is very much of and from that area of solidification where it first began to be represented in said "preserved" form. The references of it in reproduction, are now as much or more influenced from the impending "mimicry" which such forms as "records" inadvertently imposed - as they are of that initial intended progression.

In so many words; The "perfection" of Mozart was suspended - and solidified. Yes, preserved - but no longer "Mozart" in that initial sense. Only now progressively "better (presumably)" mimicry's of the previous "recording" as it were.

How then is a person to "argue" perfection?

In my own opinion, regarding the "concept" and perspective I am trying to convey - it isn't something to be "argued." It simply is or it isn't. It is a concept which is understood or it isn't understood - regardless of where misunderstanding may lead.

It would be my understanding then that "perfection" only finds human limitations within that topical perception of it. Within the human effort (as established through imposed limitations example) to understand - if not purposefully "establish."

Monday, November 20, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/15/2006



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Again considering the disjointed aspects between the modern "speed" and the plethora of intent - a person can see where it has effected depth of understanding and appreciation as well.

It is now possible for people to reach incredibly influential posts and positions - stations within society - armed with only a template of sorts - of "proper" things to say to "gain."

It is very much that through this, in a metaphor - there is this immense area in which to exist - but everyone crams themselves into one "small room of the estate" so to speak. thinking it "the way" or only way to go in that sense.

this has resulted in many ill effects, one of which being the opportunity of other influences to utilize the ignorance within such posturing to impose further false standards and "rules" which "ain't rightly so," through "none being subjected to them would know the difference," given that their perspective is entirely tailored by those perhaps not with all the knowledge they claim to have - but certainly more than those they are directing - whether it is actual information or that which seems to "work" so to speak.

it would seem that this has created a dynamic of lesser and lesser options through the progression of parroting - "this works" - dynamic, as such is propagated and imposed.

When considering it, this might not be all bad, as it were - considering that the speed of such possible "rise to power" has fewer checks and balances in regard to other areas of existence within the modern day. Sadly though from my perspective, as I have stated, such seems to have mutated into the passing of ignorance in manners such as "I had to do it this way, so you do too" type of thing, where in all reality beyond that extended set of fabricated standards, much more is quite possible - though perhaps not welcomed in the hands of excited inexperience driven with greed or some other ambitious ploy.

Admittedly, from what I can tell, such inexperience being introduced in a "gradual" (normal) manner is very much integral if not vital to the larger process itself.

Again it would seem that the speed of modern existence has stifled such progressions in that way as well, along with making the otherwise "standard" progression less and less existent due to both the ease of the "incarceration" method and reactions from things such as jealousies within the shallow and short sighted ignorance of such modern methods - each worried as much about their "gain" within that modern dynamic than anything else, which then equates to a rather interesting motion within that speed.

I see where such loss is a detriment for obvious reasons, but as well for one which may hasten problems due to stagnation - if left unchecked. this being that at any level of society it is very much important to have some grounded reference to an "every day" existence - this being especially so in those positions of decision making which have become more and more isolated within that modern speed and dynamic.

Though it sounds a bit sadistic, it could be that allowing for such jealousies manifest in what seems would be controlled ways (given the limited aspect of the modern "consumer mentality"), would actually be healthy in some ways in maintaining a "touch with life" which can be easily lost when a person finds themselves in a position having everything they have ever wanted.

This "promoted jealousy" dynamic seems as though it could serve as a healthy (controlled) form of social energy, as well. Meaning that it would most definitely keep things from stagnating in various ways, at several levels as the progression continued in a "standard" fashion.

With the advent of such "social heights" within the modern speed of society - in whichever manner and course such is attained - those "normal" progressions are fewer and fewer. Many times being supplanted in social ploys with those having the "answer sheet" waiting in the wings to say the proper things to the "status quo" - not coincidentally being comprised mostly of those having found such station in similar, "instant" ways.

this seems as though it basically bypasses an otherwise integral and substantial part of the entire process.

another detriment which occurs to me with the "faster ascension" possibility, is that the decisions will tend to gravitate more and more to serve those ends - with little or no concern for the standards of society - with less and less considerations for what we would consider "longevity" within that faster dynamic - which in reality, would be quite normal spans of consideration otherwise - as well as the lack of depth in understanding which used to come of experience and was usually present to some degree when those stations were attained.

Now, such "depth of understanding" seems more conditioned to those other aspects I have been addressing.

It seems that this also stimulates a level of "panic" and concerns which did not used to exist - given the ease within that "speed" to ascend, it then poses a problematic aspect in finding those absent aspects for longevity which would normally have arisen in a less frantic atmosphere.

I have touched on this aspect a bit, though from a different perspective with the intention of actually utilizing that inexperience in a way so as to perhaps bolster part of the dynamic result which has otherwise been lost. One example of such explorations was in the "inversion example" pertaining to the progression of judges. either in total or as a partial inception; Actually posting younger graduates in higher profile positions to judge law, and then having their "progression" lead them back to smaller communities - then draped in the experience of their careers for said communities benefit.

This as I recall, was toying with the idea of bringing such "wisdom" back into the communities instead of just "holding it on high" so to speak, as well as utilizing the vigor and inexperience in ways similar to what I have described in regard to the result in modern "pace." Perhaps even as high as a chair on the Supreme court, and then strewn through out the higher level court systems to begin their careers - all with the intention of returning to their communities to "practice" in that "twilight wisdom" which currently is housed, as I have stated, "on high."

A continuing series as such could prove rather interesting. That is of course, unless it turned into an "automated ride" with the speedy dynamic of our day, occupied with only a certain "sort" being chosen for obvious reasons within such tendencies.

In some ways this is actually using much of what "Faguet" had explored, in a real sense - though not entirely as a fulcrum point within the larger motion and structure. It relates to utilizing "ignorance" most definitely, but more so in the manner of "ignorance" being inexperience in those circles as opposed to ignorance of some removed meaning... though, as I have expressed, there are aspects of that form in use that seem would render incredible results, as well.

Perhaps those being chosen for such "progression" would need to be bound by contract to actually endeavor to return to said communities - this simply to counter the existing and obvious temptations of our modern pace and to stifle the "grandeur" of serving respectively "high" posts so early on in their lives and careers.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

CONTINUED STUDIES - 11/18/2006 (supplemental)




David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Since it is that this point within my notes is pertaining to some governing aspects of the modern disjointed movement within the larger mechanism.... and even though I am currently at the point in my notes concerning some thoughts on immigration - I am lead to some thoughts about the larger relationships even between cities, within this dysfunction.

With the advent of modern communications, there has come a sort of amplification to other forms of corruption which used to exist in the sort of "gossip" realm. With that ease of modern communication, has seemed to be an amplification of that as well. What it apparently amounts to in the larger sense - between cities that is to say - is a form of static. A body of ill information that continuously chips away at the stability of those inter-relations... and unfortunately, in some cases, even sets the mood of local governing.

Given the differences from region to region in regard to "local" social aspects, this then begins to pose what may be a manifestation in representation of forms of insanity when considered in that larger sense. No longer is there one larger motion moving in various degrees of tandem... but now, there are/is the potential of incredible extremes to become predominant in that flow of information, which then creates a sort of chaos in said relationships.

One extreme I am familiar with and will use as example, is in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, there is a political bent that is even so extreme as to teach within its political science courses, the abuse of existing laws in some mutated interpretation of some larger effort at gaining social progress. This particularly is pronounced in the areas of domestic laws and is to the extreme that from what I can remember, just before I had left the area - it was no longer necessary for law enforcement to have any sort of court issued documents to gain entry into a house hold.

While this is not the extremes being taught, it is very much as result of the local social atmosphere in which such tactics as teaching the abuse of laws presides.

Further, this extreme of "no warrant entries" is in no way a standard through out the rest of the country - but, due to that modern ease of communications, still has a more pronounced effect on those other areas within the country itself..... and further, more especially within that amplified "gossip" aspect.

The idea I can recall behind such extremes was/is "nothing to hide, nothing to fear." Unfortunately, and given what I had observed pertaining to the local government itself, what this really acted to do was to bolster the insulation between despotism's and ill corruptions presiding within the local government, and anything which they may have seen as a threat to exposing what amounted to the degree of consistent corruptions as is welfare fraud.

What this presents in a larger sense, besides an obvious diversion from the standards of nearly the entirety of the rest of the country, is very much a foot hold for the most pitiable forms of desperation stemming very much from the automated - parrot - type of aspects resulting from postured ignorance posing as authority.

Essentially, it has (or had when I had left) resulted in amplified desperation's from those who probably should have been prosecuted themselves. It was very much similar to aspects I have heard about pertaining to extremes of McCarthyism - being a "fear" sort of state.

In those instances, I do not see why it isn't just as well to again round people up in cage wagons and drag them off to servitude for the "government?"

What this poses, is much more than the danger of a militarized state working to be a tool for the removal of anyone in any sort of dissension.

Considering that modern law enforcement officers (in the field) are trained to respond to information they have access to... it then poses even greater concern given that those modern sources of information can be influenced from anywhere in the world quite literally. But more so of a concern is in the local sense. Such coupled with "no warrant" process for something as extreme as "entry" then sets up an entirely other potential danger.

Again, as I remember this was touted as some grand social move for improvement - especially concerning the feminine interests for some reason. but what it actually exemplifies beyond the presented hype- is a gross misstep BACKWARD in social development and civilization.

It doesn't matter who is running the despotic oppression, it is still despotic oppression.

Something else I seem to recall about the local political atmosphere there, was the fact that any female could simply call the police and "claim" something had been done to them, and that was the end of the story pretty much. The police then arrest whom so ever is accused, and the female concerned doesn't even have to show up for the court hearing.

It is pretty much a "done deal" from the time any female makes any sort of claim to such directions as infraction.

When this is considered in conjunction with that modern speed of communication - it then adds an entirely different aspect - given that the rest of the country is then exposed to standards that are in no way a majority opinion or process.

This of course as a matter of course given human tendency, then extends into various other forms in political "slight of hand" as well.... then adding to that "static" in the larger flow of information.

A person should notice though, that these laws and standards which are presented within the local area there as so magnificent - are in no way even mentioned when those inter-city communications are taking place. Essentially allowing those in that locale the power to incriminate anyone within their own standards - then not being subject to the standards of the rest of the United States. As in those moves politically, locally, they have somehow gained the credibility of the larger mechanism as a facade to bolster the motion and despotic use of their own "standards."

This then illustrates the disjointed aspects I have been exploring - especially when considering the incredible focus in the Pacific Northwest pertaining to technological commerce and things related to it. A prominent software corporation makes its headquarters very near the central parts of the Seattle, Washington area.

When you then consider this aspect in conjunction with the vast difference in the local governing standards - it then presents very much a police state with the major influence being from that prominent corporation.

Could you imagine being a start up competitor to that huge corporation, there? Especially without ties and representation outside of the local area?

It is very possible such interests could even wind up in prison with no recourse what so ever under the local standards and "laws."

Then of course is the aspect of it being a Port City with huge amounts of international business coming mostly from Japan - Which obviously then amounts to a given level of influence from those interests as well - which, as I consider it in conjunction with the monopolistic leanings of the major tech company - accounts for the ease with which such a "military state" was actually put into effect.

As I think about it, there doesn't seem like much anyone can do given the level of dependence on modern communications pertaining to that level of "static" as per that amplified gossip aspect - as well as other ploys much more contrived. The only thing I can bring to mind is similar to "controlled burn" in regard to wildfires - actually making it a standard as per promoting such "static" from all points in an effort to establish a consistency at least.

Of course there are results of such efforts in establishing such a consistency - but given that, the entirety of the information motion could then recognize it as the flotsam that it is.... the actual information may then begin to be separated as a natural course it would seem.

It is a rather interesting thing to have actually lived in the area, and now look back at it and the supposed social "developments" which took place. Many of which being no where near the ideas which even afford the area the sort of leeway it has seemed to gone to extremes in abusing. Even in the fiscal sense - given personal experience with the loss of nearly a decades worth of banking credibility within a matter of about two weeks. This even having been at a Federal Credit Union.. and again, very much through the local influence within that Federal level institution. Then further, as described in other brief commentaries - the "mishap" concerning an estate which was yet to be remitted to my person at the time of my residence in the area - and as per the result of my residence in that area, was never made available to my person as per the established contractual agreement.

The Federal Credit Union is no longer there, so I imagine as I have described, there is probably little if any trace in regard to the estate that was wrongfully procured - "wrongfully" that is, if you don't happen to live in the Seattle, Washington area I suppose.

It does present a particularly difficult situation in relation to the larger motion in a "national" sense.

Is it that such standards should be recognized as a greater standard? Even considering the very dangerous social aspects of them? "That ain't the way we do 'er round here?" on steroids?

Is it to be considered only another "difference" in the differences between regions? Is it further to be acknowledged as such a consistency that it actually resides unilaterally in a social sense - from region to region? Actually being only representative in the extremes of it there - of a presence which is consistently in all other regions as well?

In this example then, should it be regarded as some sort of capitol for a social section within society - then further the same consideration of other concentrations in social tendencies in other major cities? A sort of "horizontal" representation in that diverse recognition in the same manner as a political party affiliation?

This then would mean that San Francisco could no longer be acknowledge as the Hippie Capitol then, right - given the social and political shift from "hippies" to "techies?"

Such would mean that L.A. could be seen as the "plasticity" capitol, wouldn't it?

Should such diversity entail then maintaining an affiliation with the "capitol" areas regardless of the place of residence? Subject in the same sense of reasoning as is utilizing such information from a given area to influence the existence of people elsewhere - to actually having to exist under the same constraints as are present in the "capitol" region, where so ever the "affiliate" chooses to live?

In this example then, it would mean that some people within a given area are more susceptible to something such as "no warrant searches" than are others, right? Even while living in an entirely different city with and around multitudes of others living under similar differences as pertaining to some place of origin or maybe as per previous places of residence?

While it is that I may not have had the privilege of a "higher" education, it seems to me that such extremes as I have used in example here, are rather detrimental to many aspects of efficiency through out the country. And very much wonderful examples of areas within that dysfunction and disjointed aspect I have described.... though most definitely not the biggest examples, and most definitely not the only examples.

But definitely examples of much I have explored, including the "parrot" aspects within the automation.